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  Type   Title Owner Modified Date Size Actions
  Document Bug Catcher - A Safe Way equipping 04/01/10 4 MB
  Document Bug Catcher.pdf equipping 04/05/10 546 KB
  Document Gather Food - A Preschool Mission Project equipping 04/01/10 3 MB
  Document gather food a preschool mission project.pdf equipping 04/05/10 235 KB
  Document Heart of the Child equipping 04/01/10 3 MB
  Document Heart of the Child Brochure.pdf equipping 04/05/10 3 MB
  Document Ministry of Playdough equipping 04/01/10 2 MB
  Document ministry of playdough.pdf equipping 04/05/10 177 KB
  Document Mother's Day Art Activity equipping 04/01/10 4 MB
  Document mothers day art activity.pdf equipping 04/05/10 339 KB
  Document nature places preschoolers can make.pdf equipping 04/05/10 391 KB
  Document Nature Plates Preschoolers can Make equipping 04/01/10 4 MB
  Document See Through Easel for Preschoolers equipping 04/01/10 4 MB
  Document see through easel for preschoolers.pdf equipping 04/05/10 445 KB
  Document Successful Arrivals at Church equipping 04/01/10 2 MB
  Document successful arrivals at church.pdf equipping 04/05/10 264 KB
  Document Teaching through Relationships with Kids equipping 04/01/10 2 MB
  Document teaching through relationships.pdf equipping 04/05/10 252 KB
  Document Woven Bible Skills Game equipping 04/01/10 3 MB
  Document woven bible skills game.pdf equipping 04/05/10 238 KB