Collect food for the
    hungry, but before
    donating it play with it.
    The food collected
    and rhythm sticks.
    After getting approval from the authority in charge of mission
    projects in your church, notify your church that the preschool children
    are collecting food for the hungry. This is especially helpful during the
    spring and summer when other organizations are less likely to collect food.
    Give the three year-olds and younger the boxed foods, such as:
    breakfast cereal, macaroni and cheese, cake mixes, and crackers.
    Demonstrate stacking the boxes, lining up boxes by size, and placing the
    boxes in paper grocery bags. In addition to using the Bible connections, tell
    the group that this food will be taken to give to people that don
    ˇt have
    enough money to buy food. Increase their vocabulary by talking about
    which boxes are heavy and which are light. You may need to explain that
    crackers and cereal may break if they are not handled gently.
    Give the canned goods, and boxes that can be shaken without
    disturbing the contents, such as rice, or macaroni and cheese to the three
    year-olds and older. Distribute a rhythm to stick to the children with the
    canned goods first, and if there are enough to those with boxes. Enjoy
    making ˝music
    ˛ with your food items. Emphasize sharing the instruments
    with each other and sharing food with the hungry, while making the Bible
    Preschool Mission Project
    Childhood Ministry Resources and events are made
    possible by your gifts through the Cooperative Program
    Manipulatives, Music, & Missions
    ˝Help one
    another ˛
    Galatians 5:13
    ˝We work together ˛
    1 Corinthians 3:9
    ˝God gives food to us
    Psalm 136:9
    ˝Daniel Chooses Good Food ˛
    Daniel 1:3-20

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