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Handle: Document-879
Owner: Bivens, Grant (User-24, gbivens:DocuShare)DS
Tuesday, August 15, 2006 02:13:35 PM CDT
Tuesday, August 15, 2006 02:13:35 PM CDT
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  • togetherwecan FROM THE LOCAL CHURCH, TO THE ENDS OF THE EARTH Cooperative Program ACTS 1:8 SOUTHERN BAPTIST CHURCHES EXTEND THE KINGDOM OF GOD AROUND THE WORLD Each church sets aside a percentage of tithes and offerings for Cooperative Program missions and ministry causes.
  • Every Friday the BGCO forwards 40 percent of the contributions received from Oklahoma churches to the SBC while 60 percent is used to fund missions and ministries in Oklahoma.
  • Missions & Ministries Missions & Ministries Local Church Associational SBC BGCO BGCO Affiliates COOPERATIVE PROGRAM MISSIONS & MINISTRIES ONE TWO THREE FOUR NEW LOCAL CONGREGATIONS Six Seminaries
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Appears In: 2005 Annual Report
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