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Top Ten Tips--December Gift-Wrapped Books.pdf
Handle: Version-14660
Owner: Equipping (User-13, equipping:DocuShare)DS
Thursday, December 2, 2010 09:52:35 AM CST
Thursday, December 9, 2010 01:03:49 AM CST
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- During this Christmas season, consider including gift-wrapped books in your December plans. - Offer to read the book. - The gift-wrapped books may also be used during group time. - Use tape as needed. - 2. - Display the gift-wrapped books on a book shelf or in other places in the classroom. . Remind preschoolers that people write books to tell a story and help us know what happened. As a child unwraps a picture, ask him to recall something about the Bible story.
Appears In: Top Ten Tips--December Gift-Wrapped Books.pdf