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Adult Special Needs Retreat registration and Health Form.doc
Handle: Document-5238
Owner: Equipping (User-13, equipping:DocuShare)DS
Thursday, August 14, 2008 08:17:17 AM CDT
Thursday, August 14, 2008 08:17:17 AM CDT
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  • For Camp Use: Cabin Assigned ____ 2008 Outrigger Island RETREAT REGISTRATION & MEDICAL INFORMATION FORM
Note to church contact person: Please duplicate this form for each camper and counselor.
  • Special medicine (give name of medicine) _____________________________________ Is parent sending it? Counselor Contract—Each counselor, and his supervisor, must sign a contract that defines the responsibilities and duties of the counselor.
  • If a question does not apply, please answer with N/A.
  • o Counselor registration form.
No counselor will be allowed to stay at the retreat if this form is not filled out and signed by the counselor and his or her supervisor.
Microsoft Office Word (.doc, .dot) - application/msword
Adult Special Needs Retreat registration and Health Form.doc
Appears In: Special Needs
Preferred Version: Adult Special Needs Retreat registration and Health Form.doc