1. DO –

“Mommy Don’t Leave”
Tips for Making transitions from mommy to teacher smoother!

Don’t -
  · make a child wait. Be ready to greet him.
· allow parents to "hang around" with the door open.

· take a child's blanket or special toy away immediately. (Once she no longer needs these items, place them in her diaper bag.)

DO –

· be a consistent "smiley face" and use a kind, soft voice.
· take the child gently, but firmly from his parent. Separation is easier if preschoolers are able to walk in the room on their own instead of having to be "peeled" from their parents!
· reassure her. Say, "Daddy will be back, Carrie." Nod to the parent and close the door.
· use the child's name often. When you take him from his parent, put a masking tape name tag on his back.
· carry or guide her to a window. Ask her to show you a tree, car, or bird.
· be sensitive to his readiness to play. He may want to snuggle for a few minutes as he watches other preschoolers.
· sing. Make up a song using her name.
· play a cassette tape of quiet music. Rock or sway to the beat as you hold him.
· physically relax yourself. A preschooler senses when you are tense or anxious.
· wipe eyes and nose of a fretful preschooler. Say: "Amy has a pretty nose. God gave Amy a nose to smell with." Inhale and exhale slowly. A crying child may "copy" your slow breathing, which may help chase the "sobs" away.
· check the basics. Is he wet, hungry, hot, cold, or fever­ish? Sometimes an unhappy child simply needs his physical needs met immediately upon arrival. Respond to him quickly and in love.
· check emotional needs. Is she bored or lonely? Some ones and twos like to be snuggled; others need their own space. Even if you sense that she needs space, continue to make eye contact that says: "You are important. I love you.,,
· keep bubbles, a picture, or bright toy beside the door. Use these items to encourage children to enter the room. Ask a question such as, "Where's the goldfish, Charlie?" Charlie's curiosity may help him forget about crying.

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