1. Jerry Wooley VBS Ministry Specialist LifeWay Christian Resources
      2. One LifeWay Plaza
      3. MSN 152
      4. Nashville, Tennessee 37234
      5. Phone: 615-251-2758
      6. Fax: 615-277-8276 Email: jerry.wooley@lifeway.com

After VBS, visitation should focus on new
members and prospects who already have
been cultivated through VBS. Visitation
should continue until all VBS learners not
attending a Sunday School have an
opportunity to enroll in your Sunday School
or to decline to enroll.
Each person enrolling in Sunday School
should receive a letter from the pastor
expressing appreciation for becoming a
part of the Sunday School. The
appropriate Sunday School department
director or class teacher should visit to
get acquainted with the person enrolling
and the family members.
Churches that use the FAITH evan-
gelism strategy will find strong support
in following up on all VBS attendees not
enrolled in Sunday School, and those
who have not accepted Christ. VBS
prospects should be included for FAITH
team visits. Results of visits should be
reported to appropriate age-group
Sunday School leaders if the leaders are
not on the FAITH team.
Invite family members to be your guests
for the Wednesday night supper.
Invite adult prospects to your home for
a meal or informal fellowship time.
Permission is granted to duplicate this form.
Invite student prospects on student
trips, camps, retreats, and other events.
Invite parents of preschool prospects
to participate in Mother’s Day Out
or parent enrichment activities and
Jerry Wooley
VBS Ministry Specialist
LifeWay Christian Resources
One LifeWay Plaza
MSN 152
Nashville, Tennessee 37234
Phone: 615-251-2758
Fax: 615-277-8276
Email: jerry.wooley@lifeway.com
VBS to Sunday School
The key to reaching new people
for your Sunday School
through VBS
is to enroll as many unsaved and
unchurched children, students,
and adults as possible.
Then conduct the follow-up
actions necessary to cultivate
and assimilate them
into the life and ministry
of your church.
An Enrollment
and Growth Plan
280,693 Sunday School
prospects were discovered
during VBS 2006

When Vacation Bible School has been a good
experience for learners, an invitation to continue
that experience often is met with enthusiasm and
positive responses.
Vacation Bible School is a major strategy for
growth in many churches. Sunday School
enrollment increases can be dramatic when the
VBS to Sunday School—An Enrollment and Growth
is used. The concept is to transfer VBS
learners who are not members of any Sunday
School to your Sunday School roll.
When properly implemented, the
VBS to
Sunday School Plan
can help your church take
advantage of the evangelistic and outreach
opportunities of Vacation Bible School.
The VBS director, pastor, and Sunday School
director are responsible for interpreting and
leading the church to implement this plan.
Preparation for using the
VBS to Sunday School
includes these actions:
Interpret the
VBS to Sunday School Plan
the Sunday School Council and propose
that it be adopted as an enrollment plan.
Present the plan to all Sunday School
workers. Enlist their participation in
enrollment, visitation, and other after-VBS
follow-up activities.
Train VBS leaders and others who are
involved in VBS pre-enrollment to get
complete information on each person when
filling out VBS enrollment forms.
Discuss with appropriate Sunday School
workers possible schedules for home visits.
This is the time parents would give their
approval to enroll preschoolers and children
in Sunday School.
Lead the VBS Promotion Team to plan
actions to reach unsaved and unenrolled
persons to attend VBS.
Use direct mail, the telephone, and personal
visits to pre-enroll in VBS persons who are
Sunday School prospects.
Provide transportation to VBS and advertise
the availability of this service.
Plan for follow-up letters to go out and
visits to be made within one week of the
These steps, when taken during VBS, can
increase the potential impact of the
VBS to
Sunday School Plan
Let learners know that while VBS is for a
limited time, they can continue their Bible-
study activities in Sunday School each week.
Obtain complete information on every VBS
attendee. In some cases, workers may need
to meet parents on the parking lot, send
notes home with kids, or make phone calls
or visits to complete the necessary
Begin on the first day of VBS to identify
prospects for Sunday School and to
complete prospect cards on all parents and
other unenrolled family members. Make
assignments to the appropriate Sunday
School class or department.
Schedule a joint meeting of VBS and
Sunday School workers for the purpose of
making visitation assignments. Request
visitors to make home visits within a certain
time period after VBS. Some churches use
Family Night to talk with parents and to
seek to transfer pupils and enroll family
members in Sunday School.
When permission is granted, those making
home visits may write the word
the VBS enrollment card and turn it in to
the Sunday School secretary, who completes
the enrollment process. If permission is not
given, the home visitors may write the word
on the card. Then the information is
entered on a prospect card and assigned to
the appropriate Sunday School class or
department for follow-up.
Keep church members aware of progress
through announcements, notices in the
bulletin or newsletter, and mailings.
Prepare and mail follow-up letters to new
Sunday School members and express
appreciation for them becoming a part of
the Sunday School.
Parents of preschoolers and children
should be asked for permission to
transfer their children from VBS to
Sunday School.
Older teens and adults not enrolled
in Sunday School
may give their own permission.

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