Dear VBS Director:
    This 2007 VBS Report form gives you options for making your VBS report. In late May or June, a personalized form will be mailed to you with your con-
    gregation’s information preprinted on the form. Make sufficient copies of this form to report on separate forms your (1) church VBS, (2) mission VBS,
    and (3) any Backyard Bible Clubs. You may report online
    (requiring no mailing except to your state office to request Standard
    VBS Recognition), by mail to: VBS Report Desk (MSN 177), LifeWay Christian Resources, One LifeWay Plaza, Nashville, TN 37234, or by FAX to: LifeWay
    Christian Resources, 615-251-3937. Mail copies to Your ASSOCIATION and STATE CONVENTION.
    ONLINE OPTION: Complete the report and enter your VBS information into the Southern Baptist Directory Services (SBDS) via the Web site
    To access the VBS part of the site, you will need to use your congregation’s VBS User Name and Password. The church user
    name and password will not change from year to year, SBDS requires either Microsoft Internet Explorer version 5.0 or greater (recommended) or Net-
    scape Navigator version 4.0 or greater. Cookies must be enabled and pop-up windows allowed. Adobe Acrobat Reader is required for some reports and
    can be downloaded for FREE at
    Your congregation’s VBS USER NAME is __________________________, and your congregation’s VBS PASSWORD is ________________________.
    To enter your VBS data into SBDS: (1) Go to the Web site; (2) Enter your congregation’s VBS User Name and Password and click “Log On”; and (3) Click
    “Enter VBS Data.” (A) “Enter Congregational Information” allows you to update your congregation’s name and address information. (Make changes
    ONLY after checking with your ACP contact person or pastor!); (B) Click “Enter 2007 VBS Survey” to enter 2007 VBS data. Be sure to enter data into the
    correct portion of the form and click “SAVE” after you have entered the data; and (C) Click “Enter VBS Director Information” to update VBS Director
    information. You may browse SBDS at anytime to view statistical and leadership information for all SBC congregations, associations, and state conven-
    tions. Your congregation’s VBS User Name and Password are confidential and should not be given out indiscriminately. Protect them as you would other
    secure computer passwords. It will be necessary to enter your VBS User Name and Password each time you access SBDS.
    MAIL OPTION: If you choose not to use SBDS, simply complete your VBS Report form(s), make copies, keep one for your records, and mail the forms to
    your ASSOCIATION, STATE CONVENTION, and LifeWay Christian Resources. See address and FAX information at the top of this page.
    NOTE: Requests for Standard VBS recognition should be mailed to your state convention even if reporting VBS information online!
    CAUTION: Do not report a VBS conducted by an established mission that is sponsored by your church. An established mission has its own SBC ID and
    will receive a VBS report form with its preprinted information. Each established mission should report its VBS, mission VBS, or Bible Club directly.
    Name of VBS Director/Contact:
    Phone Number:
    Mailing Address:
    2007 Report for:
    [ ] Church [ ] Mission/Backyard Bible Club
    Type of Report:
    [ ] Initial [ ] Additional
    1 Total Enrollment (sum of a-f)
    a. Faculty (workers)
    b. Preschool (Birth—Kindergarten)
    c. Children (Grades 1-6)
    d. Youth (Grades 7-12)
    e. Adults (in studies)
    f. Special Education Participants
    2. Average Attendance
    3. Number of Decisions to Accept Christ
    4. Num. Decisions—Church-related Vocations
    5. Director:
    [ ] Pastor [ ] Staff [ ] Volunteer
    6. Standard Level [ ] Standard [ ] Advanced (See CD-ROM)
    (Standard for Game Day Central only)
    7. Date School/Club Began
    8. Number of Days
    9. Time of Day: [ ] Morning [ ] Afternoon [ ] Evening
    10. Daily Schedule: [ ] 3 Hours [ ] Expanded [ ] Abbreviated
    11. Number of S.S. Prospects Discovered
    12. Number Prospects Added to S.S. Enrollment
    13. Number Prospects Added to Prospect File
    14. What materials were used in the VBS? (Check boxes below.)
    [ ]Game Day Central Curriculum
    [ ] David C. Cook
    [ ] Game Day Central Musical
    [ ] Gospel Light
    [ ] Club VBS: Jungle Jaunt
    [ ] Group
    [ ]Down the Street and
    [ ] Standard
    Around the World
    [ ] Veggie Tales
    [ ] E-Anytime Anywhere
    [ ] Other Non-LifeWay
    [ ] Other LifeWay Literature
    [ ] Created by Church
    If you used LifeWay materials, did they meet your needs?
    [ ] Yes
    [ ] No
    If no, please attach/e-mail comments to
    15. VBS Link-up? (Providing VBS help for another church)
    [ ] Yes
    [ ] No
    16. Mission Offerings (round to nearest dollar)
    Cooperative Program
    Other than Cooperative Program
    Complete a separate report for each ministry conducted.
    Thank you for reporting your VBS!
    (sum of a-f)
    LifeWay Materials
    Non-LifeWay Materials
    Permission granted to copy this form
    Congregation Name/Address/City/State/Zip:

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