1. 14 Steps to Successful Enlistment

14 Steps to Successful Enlistment

A successful Sunday School depends primarily on the people who are enlisted to teach and the way they are enlisted. Two major factors in successful enlistment are the proper approach and approaching the right people. Nothing can replace a one-on-one personal approach.

1. Pray. Pray for wisdom and insight. Ask for God’s guidance as you reflect on the people in your church, their talents, and their love for God’s Word.
  2. Make a list. Make a list of individuals you have found to have the qualities of good Children’s Sunday School leaders. Choose from workers in Vacation Bible School, single adults, parents or other adult guardians, grandparents or other senior adults, and members of adult classes.
  3. Work with the church nominating committee. Compile a list of possible leaders and give to the nominating committee for approval.
  4. Make a personal contact. Call the prospective worker for an appointment. Visit her at home, take her to lunch, invite her to your home, or meet together at the church.
  5. Be positive and honest. Tell the person why you think she would make a good leader. Explain the responsibilities in real terms and leave a copy of “The Sunday School Team: Children's Leadership Making a Difference (Responsibilities of a Sunday School Worker). Uphold a sense of calling and commitment.
  6. Discuss literature materials. Give the prospective teacher a copy of the teacher’s guide for the age child in which he/she is interested. Discuss appropriate topics, such as the needs and characteristics of children, how children learn, and why activity teaching is used.
  7. Encourage a time of observation. Invite the prospective worker to observe on Sunday morning in a well-organized children’s department.
  8. Promote regular planning meetings and training events. Inform the prospective worker about planning meetings. Discuss regular and special training events provided for teachers.
  9. Answer questions. Be open to discuss any possible questions.
10. Pray. Together ask for God’s clear leadership.
11. Schedule a return call or visit. Set a date of one week for a follow-up visit or phone call.
12. Send a note. Send a note thanking the potential teacher for her/him time and openness. Remind her/him that you will be praying for her/him and God’s guidance in her/him decision.
13. Be accepting. Accept the person's answer whether it is "yes" or "no."
14. Make a report. Let the nominating committee or the appropriate person(s) know of the final positive decision.
Adapted from “14 Steps to Enlistment” in Growing Together: Sunday School Worker Enlistment Campaign Kit, Tonks, 1995.

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