A Lead Team is a group of students and adults who volun-
    teer for a specific activity or event for which they assume
    (Parents of teens gain a greater sense of
    ownership by becoming involved in a Lead Team Ministry)
    The idea behind “Lead Teams” is to provide a sharing or
    ownership of the youth ministry among a broader base of
    people and create a more dynamic ministry activity or
    event because of the specific concentration of a group of
    people on that activity or event. A youth minister or leader
    on his/her own can only do so much promotion, so much
    enlistment, so much registration and so much whatever…
    but through developing Lead Teams he/she multiplies the ministry opportunities,
    multiplies the work force necessary for carrying those ministries out, and multiplies
    the reaching, teaching, and effectiveness of those ministries.
    Putting together “Lead Teams” is simple.
    Make a list of the youth ministry ac-
    tivities or events that your church plans to
    do for the calendar year, such as…
    DiscipleNow, True Love Waits, Priority
    Week, Super Summer, Youth Missions
    Trip, Falls Creek, Youth Evangelism Con-
    ference, Back to School Bash, Fall Re-
    treat, 5
    Quarters, Lock-Ins, etc
    . Promote
    within your church that you will be hav-
    ing a Youth Ministry Fair where adults and students can sign-up to be a part of a
    ministry team that will be responsible for a specific youth ministry event or events.
    At the Fair describe each event or activity by giving general information about it, so
    that those in attendance will know from what there is to choose. After people have
    signed up for one or two teams
    (signing up for more than two may defeat the pur-
    pose of having Lead Teams)
    , collect the information and determine a chairperson for
    each team. Have the teams meet according to the needs and date of the events. The
    youth leader should meet with each lead team if possible, to give guidance, helps,
    and full support.

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