1. Discipleship Models

Discipleship Models
These are three models for a “closed-group” strategy.
“A closed-group primarily is an equipping group or event comprised of believers only;
the focus is training, the context is discipling, and the intent is to continue assimilation.
A closed-group is composed of believers that covenant together to meet over a short
period of time for the purpose of becoming equipped to accomplish the objectives of the
church.” (Gene Mims in Kingdom Principles for Church Growth, LifeWay Church Resources, pg. 110.)
The following are three different models that can be used for framing your ministry to
students. Each model gives key, but general, areas of accountability and study for
developing believers. It is recommended that you read the resource referenced in order to
understand the model more fully before committing to the strategy.
Seven Checkpoints: Seven Principles Every Teenager Needs to Know
, Andy Stanley,
Howard Publishing Co., 2001
Authentic Faith
- Are you trusting God with the critical areas of your life? You
have to believe and trust in Jesus Christ as your personal savior if you want to go
to Heaven. But faith in Christ also allows you to live on earth in a daily
relationship with a heavenly Father who loves you unconditionally. As an all-
knowing and all-powerful father you can trust Him to lead you the right way.
Spiritual Disciplines
- Are you developing a consistent devotional and prayer
life? God designed you to have a relationship with Him. Your intimacy with Him
will provide the foundation you need to face whatever life can possibly throw at
you. His friendship with you provides the ultimate fulfillment and security.
Moral Boundaries
- Are you establishing and maintaining moral boundaries?
Purity paves the way to intimacy. The most important thing you can do is to
establish specific guidelines in your dating life. You need to learn how to protect
your body and emotions by honoring God's plan for sex and morality.
Healthy Friendships
- Are you establishing meaningful friendships? Your
friends determine the direction and quality of your life. If you walk with the wise
you grow wise. Spending time with right kind of friends definitely helps you grow
in a positive and healthy direction. Scripture also teaches that "The companion of
fools will suffer harm." Learn to build healthy friendships and avoid unhealthy
Wise Choices
- Are you making wise decisions? In light of past experience and
future dreams, you need to ask yourself "What is the wise thing to do?" Good
decision making is more than simply choosing between right and wrong. It is the
skill of applying Scriptural principles so you can make smart choices which will
protect your future.
Others First
- Are you involved in a personal ministry? Scripture teaches that
God has created you to do good works and that he has given you unique gifts and

talents. Discovering those gifts and using them to make an investment in others is
a key to lifelong fulfillment.
Ultimate Authority
- Are you submitting to the authorities God has placed over
you? To have authority you must be under authority. The parents, teachers, and
leaders that God has placed in your life are there to guide and guard your potential
and life. The greatest lesson you can learn is how to respect and honor those who
are in authority.
Basic Student Discipleship
, LifeWay Church Resources, 2002
1. Lordship: The Cost of Discipleship & Setting Godly Priorities
2. Accountable Relationships
3. Scripture
4. Prayer
5. Ministry: Making Eternal Investments
6. Spiritual Warfare
7. Christian Character
Gene Mims’ Seven Essential Areas of Discipleship from
Kingdom Principles for
Church Growth
, LifeWay Church Resources, pg. 115. These areas of concentration are
referred to as essentials to be explored in any “closed-group” experience.
1. Identity in Christ
2. The Kingdom of God
3. Spiritual Warfare
4. Relationships
5. The Church
6. Work
7. World

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