Miscellaneous BGCO Disaster Relief Policies
There will be a $5 charge for new team members to attend training sessions. Those already on the team will not be charged for training.
Only trained personnel will go out on a response. Individuals will be responsible for their own meals en route to disaster response.
Apparel - Only trained personnel have the privilege of wearing or purchasing apparel with the SBC Disaster Relief logo. Wearing the Disaster Relief logo is addressed in the Training Manual.
A cap will be given to an individual upon completion of training. Team members may choose nylon mesh or solid cotton caps. Caps may not be given to anyone who has not completed the training. Additional caps may be purchased by trained personnel.
A t-shirt will be given to individuals when they go out on their FIRST response. Only one free T-shirt per person. T-shirts may be purchased by trained individuals.
A jacket will be given to individuals after they have responded to 5 official state call-outs. Jackets may be purchased by trained individuals.
Requests for any apparel awarded for service will be submitted to the Volunteer Missions secretary by the appropriate State Blue Cap, not individuals. It is the responsibility of the Blue Cap to determine that the apparel has been earned.
Current apparel costs:
Mesh caps, solid caps, visors - $5
T-shirt - $10
Short-sleeve gold button shirt - $20 (2X or larger $25)
Long-sleeve gold button shirt -$25 (2X or larger $30)
Jacket - $45
Blue Uniform (Pants & shirt) - $50
Apron - $10
Lanyard - $2
Travel/accident insurance: Each volunteer is responsible to secure his or her own medical insurance. The BGCO insures each volunteer with a limited supplemental, secondary travel/accident policy. This is not intended to take the place of major medical coverage. It will cover some deductibles and excess out-of-pocket expenses after your personal insurance had paid.
Info to be submitted by the Blue Cap to the BGCO Partnership & Volunteer Missions office ASAP:
When a group leaves on a response, email (mstephens@bgco.org) or fax (405/516-4941) a list of the volunteers, their birthdates and their beneficiaries for insurance purposes. A beginning and ending date MUST be specified. (Please do not give this info by phone.) Insurance is not in effect until this information is received by the office and faxed to the insurance company.
When the group concludes their response, send a report with the location of the response, dates, number of volunteers, number of meals fed, number of children cared for, number of homes cleared of debris, etc.
Revised 3/3/2010
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