Teaching Plan for Preschoolers:
    To inspire and encourage teachers of preschoolers to be intentional in their ministry
    with preschoolers and their families through Sunday School. Preschool leaders will be introduced
    to the fourth book by David Francis, “Connect 3 the Power of One Sunday School class”.
    This plan may be used: for training Preschool Sunday School leaders and potential leaders during
    a local church leader training event.in Regional and state training, to train leaders for state and
    associational training events.
    THE POWER OF ONE Sunday School class
    Developed by Debbie Benson, Kindergarten teacher at FBC Marshall, Texas
    Room Set Up
    Create a focal wall by cutting the letters CONNECT 3 in medium blue cardstock. Take a trash
    to treasure item (a large drink take out box from a local fast food restaurant. When open it
    looks like a little tool box.) and flatten it back out to use as a pattern. Trace this container on
    heavy brown paper. Trace over pencil mark with a medium point sharpie to add detail and
    edging. Cut out and set aside. Use a glue stick and adhere the CONNECT3 letters to the
    brown paper cut out. If you are going to do this conference more than once, laminate this
    shape with letters so that it will be re-useable. Place this on your focal wall. Place a table
    underneath the letters for curriculum and handouts. Additional drink take out boxes, travel
    cups, coffee house menus, flavored coffees, coffee cups will add interest and contrast to
    your display table and overall look of the room.
    Display the following resources:
    Connect 3
    Sunday School Curriculum for each of the three age groups
    (including Spanish Speaking pieces)
    Bible Teaching for Babies Leader Pack
    Bible Teaching for 1s & 2s Leader Guide
    Bible Teaching for 1s & 2s Leader Pack
    Music and More Enhanced CD for Babies. 1s & 2s
    Early Bible Steps

    Bible Teaching for 3s – Pre-K Leader Guide
    Bible Teaching for 3s – Pre-K Leader Pack
    Bible & Me Learner Guide
    Music & More Enhanced CD for 3s – Pre-K
    Bible Teaching for Kindergarten Leader Guide
    Bible Teaching for Kindergarten Leader Pack
    Kindergarten Connection
    Music & More Enhanced CD for Kindergarten
    Set up chairs in three groups (semi circles if possible, or what works best for the room you
    are in. Label one group “Babies – Two’s”, the second group “Threes – Pre-K and the third
    group, “Kindergarten.” Place a tear sheet with this question written on it “When you hear the
    word class, what comes to mind?” next to each of the groups.
    Read Connect 3:
    the power of one Sunday School class
    For Procedure Step 1:Make a 3 signs out of cardstock to label the three groups.
    Label one group “Babies – Twos”, the second group “Threes – Pre-K and the third
    group, “Kindergarten.” Place a tear sheet by each group with a marker for response to
    question. Write this phrase on each of the tear sheets,
    “ What comes to mind when
    you hear the word class?”
    For Procedure Step 2:No
    preparation needed.
    For Procedure Step 3:Give
    out Handout #1 Unit Overview and Leader Guides for
    the age group
    For Procedure Step 4:Give
    out Menu Board 2-A, B, C. Locate information on age
    grouping, child/teacher ratios, room arrangements, welcoming ideas, planning,
    preparation, prayer, organization, from each age group’s Music & More Enhanced CD
    or leader guide. Duplicate the answer sheet, MB2-D
    For Procedure Step 5:Prepare
    rectangle shapes with white cardstock. Print the
    following text on the shapes: Home visits, Post Cards, Telephone Calls, Birthday
    recognition, Attend events the preschooler is involved in, and Birth of a new baby.
    For Procedure Step 6:Provide
    each group a tear sheet and a marker for writing in
    their responses.
    For Procedure Step 7:No
    Preparation needed.

    For Procedure Step 8:
    Prepare enough Handout #3 for each one in their group.
    For Procedure Step 9:No
    preparation needed.
    For Procedure Step 10:
    Prepare a Menu Board Tag for each conferee using
    Handout #4.
    Tear Sheets (for reporting group work)
    Coffee shop theme related items
    Fast food -take out boxes to hold handouts and or tear sheets
    Water colors markers
    Masking tape
    Pencils or pens
    CD player and music CDs to play as conferees arrive.
    I. Introduction
    (10 minutes)
    Step 1: Welcome
    Welcome each conferee as they enter the room. Direct them to fnd the age group
    they teach in. Encourage them write a response to the question on the tear sheet
    located near their group When it appears that everyone has had a chance to
    respond, read the question that appears at the top of the tear sheet,
    “ What comes
    to mind when you hear the word class?”Let
    a member of the group share the
    responses written. State that it really doesn’t matter what name the group goes by,
    the important thing is that Bible teaching takes place.
    Step 2: Introduction
    Bible teaching is the foundation of the Sunday School movement. Remember the
    frst Sunday Schools were begun for the purpose of helping poor children learn to
    read and write. Their textbook was the Bible. The children not only had a life
    changing experience by learning to read and write, they were able to experience
    life-changing message
    through the Bible.
    Over the years the Sunday School movement has been tweaked to meet the needs
    of people. Yet the primary purpose of Sunday School has remained the same –
    helping boys, girls, men and women connect with God through His Word.

    Share that
    Connect3 the power of one Sunday School class,by
    David Francis is
    the fourth and fnal book in the 3D Sunday School series.
    David Francis shares how
    each Sunday School class can become intentional in connecting with people on three
    levels. The three levels are Class, Community, and Commission. After reading this
    book you should be able to determine at what level your class is functioning in. You
    will also discover ideas for operating at a higher level. You will also be able to decide
    whether you want to move to a higher level or stay at the level you are. Remember
    each level has value that can’t be achieved on any other level.
    II. Class: Connecting with God’s Word
    (40 minutes)
    Step 3: Class Menu Board
    (15 minutes)
    Remember your frst visit to a coffee shop? As you stood in line and listened to
    others order did it seem like they were talking in a language all unto their own? “I’d
    like a sugar free caramel machaitti vente, or make mine a low cal white mocha latte
    with a shot of espresso.” Did it seem like everyone around you knew the “lingo”
    except you? Just imagine someone coming to your Sunday School class for the frst
    time. Would they understand the “lingo” you speak. Would they feel
    comfortable coming back another time? Sunday School classes are designed to be
    open groups. Open groups encourage people to join in at any point and feel
    comfortable. Preschool Sunday School curriculum is designed with a unit overview
    that connects each session of the month. Please turn to the Unit Overview page in
    your age group leader guide. At a glance you can see how each session is individual
    and yet common ingredients – Bible Truth and Concept Area- is present in each
    Distribute handout #1, Class-Menu Board. Tell
    attendees that they will have 15
    minutes to look over the unit of study for the
    current month. Choose week one to focus on as
    they fll in the information asked for in the
    handout. Spend time in your group discussing
    how this translates for this age group. As each
    group shares be sure to remind them how each
    session stands alone, but is connected to the
    other sessions through the Bible Truth and
    Concept Area.
    Step 4: Order up - a class with a “latte” love
    (20 minutes)
    What makes up your favorite coffee drink? Maybe you prefer decaf, or maybe you
    enjoy the shot of caramel or a dusting of cinnamon. A preschool class with a “latte”
    love would include some basic ingredients to make it a favorite for the preschooler
    and her parents. Invite each group to choose a menu board with ingredient listings.
    Follow the instructions on your Menu Board for discovering the key ingredients for a
    class with a “latte” love. You will fnd ingredients/resources on the table.

    Sum up the importance of each of these important basics for a class with a “latte”
    Committed Caring Teachers
    Age appropriate space, equipment and resources
    III. COMMUNITY: Connecting with One Another
    (30 minutes)
    Step 5: Extra Flavors/Add Ins
    (20 minutes)
    Teachers of preschoolers are teachers 24/7. No matter where we are spotted our
    children view us as “teacher”! This doesn’t happen overnight, it develops over a
    period of time. Through the class experience that takes place and the “extra add-ins”
    that is part of the Menu Board. Check under your chair for an “extra flavor/add-in”.
    You can read this “extra” card or pass it a friend next to you to read. As the cards are
    read allow for discussion.
    Step 6: Brewing Care Groups
    (10 minutes)
    Care groups can take place in preschool.
    Teachers become the care group leaders by
    grouping the preschoolers for ministry. Let’s say
    that your class has 15 preschoolers enrolled with
    two teachers and one director. The class names
    are grouped with each leader having fve
    preschoolers of which to minister. Any prospects
    would be grouped evenly with the
    enrollment. Let’s get to “to brewing” and come
    up with some opportunities for ministering
    within the care group. Allow groups about 5
    minutes to write ideas on the tear sheet
    provided. Let each group report their ideas and
    summarize the many ideas that resulting from brewing. Now were “perking”!
    IV. COMMISSION: Connecting to the World
    (40 minutes)
    Step 7: “Commission”
    (10 minutes)
    You may be wondering how COMMISSION-Connecting to the World relates to us
    who teach in Preschool Ministry. Think about who you have enrolled in Sunday
    School as well as prospect names. What do you know about the parent, grandparent,

    caring adult in this preschoolers’ life? Are they regular in their attendance? Have you
    met them? What needs do they have? (Allow time for them to get a sense of who
    they minister to.) Your answers to these questions can lead you to create a “Menu
    Board” that will provide for mission opportunities to take place.
    Step 8: “Menu Board – Today’s flavor MISSIONAL”
    (20 minutes)
    Ask each conferee to look over Handout #3 COMMISION- Connecting to the World.
    With their specifc age group in mind, brainstorm ways they can be intentionally
    missional in their approach to reaching preschool families who do not attend church.
    Please be prepared to share one specifc approach and the steps that will be
    necessary to be missional. Invite a group that has not spoken frst to begin
    sharing their approach. Encourage the groups to write down these ideas for use in
    their class/church.
    Step 9: Everything on the Menu looks good, so what do I order up?
    (10 minutes)
    There are more opportunities for missional work than I can do within my class. How
    can I order more than just one? This is where you will need to realize that even
    when everything on the menu board looks tasty – it’s just not possible to order
    everything at once and get the most out of it. Pray and seek God’s guidance and the
    wisdom of other teachers in your class as to what to choose frst. It may be that you
    are reminded of preschoolers in your class who are being raised by grandparents.
    There may be a group of preschoolers in other preschool classes who are also being
    raised by grandparents. (Here is where you can get more help by working together
    as a Preschool Team!) This may lead to offering a workshop/seminar that focuses on
    the needs of grandparents who are parenting grandchildren. To know their specifc
    needs, prepare a survey that asks some basic questions that will focus in on concerns
    or needs they face. Some sample questions could include:
    What is the toughest part of parenting your grandchild?
    Is this a short term or long term commitment for you and your grandchild?
    What would help you the most as you seek to be both parent and grandparent?
    Please share any additional needs or concerns.
    The answers to these questions can shed light on other ministry opportunities to
    follow up on later. From the information gathered from the survey, enlist the help of
    trained counselors to design a workshop/seminar to address the needs.
    Organizations (you may want to mention an organization from your region/local
    area) would be helpful in securing qualifed presenters for this topic as well as
    others relating to families. For further missional opportunity, make it available to the
    people who live in your town. A great education minister once told me the best way
    to reach the heart of a family for Christ, is to reach out to them during their time of

    V: Closing
    (5 minutes)
    Give each conferee a “Menu Board Tag”. Ask the conferees to think back to the
    preschoolers that they minister to through Sunday School. What are some of their
    needs? What are some of their families needs? Now think about what we have
    covered today. On the Menu Board Tag, write out one idea that will help you in
    being intentional in reaching out to this preschooler and his family. Close with prayer
    asking for wisdom in ministry with preschoolers at the class level, for opportunities to
    create the feeling of community in our ministry with preschoolers and their families,
    and for the wisdom and discernment to take it to the next level and be intentionally
    missional to better meet the needs of preschoolers and their families at their point
    of need. May we be the “cup” you use to bring the life changing message of Your
    Word to boys and girls at their level of understanding? In the sweet name of Jesus,

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