1. Beach Towel Volleyball


Beach Towel Volleyball
Play a game of volleyball using beach towels.
If your church has a volleyball net on your campus,
you’re all set. Otherwise, pick a place for your game
and make a dividing line on the ground with masking tape. You may play indoors or outside, depending upon space available. If you play outdoors, try to conduct the game in a spot where you can set up a water hose and sprinkler nearby.
To play, divide the groups into pairs. Give each pair a beach blanket. Two will hold the beach blanket between them and use that to serve and return the volleyball.
Establish boundaries and ground rules for the game, and let the boys go at it. Once they get the hang of serving and returning volleys with a towel, add some fun by turning on the water sprinkler and set it to show the playing space of both teams at regular intervals. Make sure parents are aware of this beforehand!
Taken from the July 2009 Crusader Leader Guide

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