2. 3. PURPOSE


The parties to this Memorandum are North American Mission Board,
Southern Baptist Convention (NAMB) Disaster Relief and the Department
of Homeland Security (DHS), through the Federal Emergency
Management Agency (FEMA).
Southern Baptist disaster relief provides a comprehensive array of
ministries and services to communities before and after disasters of all
types throughout the United States, the US island territories and the world.
(See attachment for Southern Baptist's Mission Statement.)
The mission of the Federal Emergency Management Agency is to provide
leadership and support to reduce the loss of life and property and to
protect our institutions from all types of hazards through a comprehensive,
risk-based, all-hazards emergency management program of mitigation,
preparedness, response, and recovery.
Section 309 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency
Assistance Act, 42 U.S.C. § 5152, Section 503(1) of the Homeland
Security Act of 2002, 6 U.S.C. § 313, and Section 4-203 of Executive
Order 12148 authorizes the Secretary of Homeland Security, to enter into
agreements with relief or disaster assistance organizations.
This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) provides a framework within
which NAMB and FEMA, DHS will continue to cooperate to carry out
their respective responsibilities in disaster mitigation, preparedness,
response, and recovery operations in the event of a natural, man-made, or
technological disaster.
FEMA agrees to:
1. Notify the NAMB of each major disaster and emergency declaration,
as well as fire suppression approvals as appropriate.
2. Provide facilities for NAMB liaison personnel and office space for the
NAMB coordinator in Disaster Field Offices and/or Disaster Recovery
Centers, when appropriate and feasible.
3. Coordinate with the NAMB in unusual and/or catastrophic disaster
situations, as needed and appropriate.
4. As permitted by law, including but not limited to, the Privacy Act, 5
U.S.C. § 552a, support the concept of sharing client information on
certain disaster assistance applicants with the NAMB and other
responsible voluntary agencies in order to begin disaster relief
casework in a timely manner.

5. Notify the NAMB office ofFEMA training and educational
opportunities and materials on issues such as mitigation, disaster
assessment, and donated goods and services, where possible.
6. Notify the NAMB National Disaster Relief Director of changes in
FEMA Individual Assistance disaster regulations and procedures, as
7. Distribute copies of this MOU to its regional offices and other
appropriate Federal agencies, which respond to disaster declarations,
as appropriate.
8. Share information, as feasible and appropriate, with NAMB on
potential sources of housing for volunteer work teams.
9. Inform NAMB of the possible need for the NAMB disaster child-care
program and the NAMB disaster clean-up program services, when
feasible and appropriate.
NAMB agrees to:
1. Provide the various NAMB disaster program services as listed on
pages four and five of this MOU.
2. Work closely, as appropriate, with FEMA's Mitigation office to learn
of the tools, training, and other educational and organizational
resources available to support community-based efforts in creating
disaster-resistant communities throughout the country.
3. Take a leading role in promoting disaster resistance in specifically
identified communities throughout the country.
4. Encourage the mitigation of natural hazard risks through outreach,
education, and local community involvement both before and after
disasters occur.
5. Encourage its personnel to participate in FEMA programs of disaster
preparedness, mitigation, response and recovery including training
6. Join with FEMA in supporting the mission of the National Voluntary
Organizations Active in Disaster in fostering cooperation,
coordination, communication, and collaboration in emergency
7. Participate in, as feasible, State and local Voluntary Organizations
Active in Disaster (VOADs).
8. Provide updated information on NAMB activities to the FEMA
Learning Resource Center at the National Emergency Training Center
in Emmitsburg, Maryland. This information may include published
reports, public information videos, and brochures.
9. Support the National Donations Management Strategy by promoting
public education about donations management in preparedness times
and taking a lead role on the Donations Coordination Team, in times
of disaster operations.

10. Notify its NAMB regional, state and local units of disaster
11. Keep FEMA informed about its disaster operations and projects, and
look to the Federal Coordinating Officer for guidance if problems arise
at disaster locations.
12. Operate within the local permitting process and comply with local
flood plain management ordinances and building codes.
13. Permit Federal agencies to distribute supplies, equipment, and services
to disaster victims through NAMB programs for emergency assistance.
14. Be available to perform agreed upon disaster activities when possible,
or appropriate, as specified by FEMA.
15. Actively support the Long-Term Recovery Committee or "Dnmet
Needs Committee" process, as appropriate, in the disaster recovery
16. Comply with regulations promulgated by FEMA under the Stafford
Act guaranteeing non-discrimination and prohibiting duplication of
benefits (see Code of Federal Regulations, 44 C.F.R.§206.11 and §
206.91 respectively.)
To facilitate interagency collaboration, NAMB and FEMA, as appropriate,
will exchange summary disaster operations reports produced by their
respective national operations centers as available. Each party respects the
right of the other to define and protect any category of information that it
deems to be of an internal use only or confidential nature.
1. Nothing in this memorandum is intended to conflict with current law
or regulation or the directives ofFEMA or DHS. If a term of this
memorandum is inconsistent with such authority, then that term shall
be invalid, but the remaining terms and conditions of this
memorandum shall remain in full force and effect. Nothing in this
MOD is intended to restrict the authority of either party to act as
provided by law, statute, or regulation.
2. Nothing in this MOD shall be interpreted as affording FEMA or
NAMB any role in the content or programming decisions of either
agency, respectively.
3. In order to facilitate and accomplish the goals and objectives set forth
in this MOD, NAMB and FEMA may meet annually to discuss issues
of mutual interest and assess progress in accomplishing the desired
4. This MOD is not a fiscal or funds obligation document.
5. This MOD is an internal agreement between FEMA and NAMB and
does not confer or create any right, benefit, or trust responsibility,
substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or equity, by any third

person or party (public or private) against the United States, its
agencies, its officers, or any person.
6. This agreement neither creates a partnership nor a joint venture, and
neither party has the authority to bind the other.
7. Each party is separate and independent from one another. As such,
each organization will retain its own identity in providing services, and
each organization is responsible for establishing its own policies and
financing its own activities.
Yolanda L. Gaston
Individual Assistance Program Management Section
Recovery Division
Emergency Preparedness & Response Directorate
Department of Homeland Security
500 C Street, SW
Washington, DC 20472
Telephone: (202) 646-4543
Fax number (202) 646-3978
Terry Henderson
National Disaster Relief Director
North American Mission Board, Southern Baptist
Convention Disaster Relief
4200 North Point Parkway
Alpharetta, Georgia 30022
Disaster Operation Center
1-800-462- 8657 ext. 6133
This memorandum may be modified upon the mutual written consent of
the parties.
The terms of this memorandum will become effective on the date of the
last signature by the parties as indicated on the signature page of this

The terms of this memorandum, as modified with the consent of both
parties, will remain in effect until June 30, 2006, or until the time periods
specified elsewhere in this memorandum expires. The memorandum may
be extended by mutual written agreement of the parties. In addition, either
party, upon 30 days written notice to the other party, may terminate this
Michael D. Brown
Under Secretary
Emergency Preparedness and Response
Department of Homeland Security
r. Rob
North American Mission Board

North American
SBC (NAMB) Disaster Relief:
The Southern Baptist Convention was organized May 8, 1845 in Augusta,
Georgia. The purpose of the Convention "is to provide general organization for
Baptist in the United States and its territories for the promotion of Christian
missions at home and abroad and any other objects such as Christian education,
benevolent enterprises and social services which it may deem proper and
advisable for the furtherance of the Kingdom of God."
From the Southern Baptist Convention's beginning benevolence and social
services have been a part of the life of the convention.
June 17-19, 1997, in Dallas, Texas, the Southern Baptist Convention reorganized
and the North American Mission Board was created. One of the Ministry
Assignments of the North American Mission Board is "to assist churches in the
United States and Canada in relief ministries to victims of disaster."
Southern Baptists function within four autonomous bodies. There are some
44,000 churches and missions located in the 50 states and territories. These
churches are organized into approximately 1,200 local associations (usually along
county lines) and 37 state Baptist conventions including all 50 states. The North
American Mission Board provides assistance to these churches, associations, and
state conventions. While there is a strong sense of cooperation among these
bodies, there is no hierarchical line of authority between them.
"Disaster relief' refers to assistance to persons and/or churches who are deprived
of the essential needs of life because of widespread natural disasters resulting
from flood, fire, earthquake, hurricane, or similar catastrophes, including the
effects of war or public disorder causing physical or economic deprivation. The
objective in providing relief is to provide immediate, temporary as well as long-
term help to persons and/or churches suffering from widespread disaster.
NAMB's disaster activities include:
Feeding (mobile kitchens). The provision of meals prepared by mobile, fixed or
airlift kitchens and provided to the general population in an area affected by
Temporary Emergency Child Care. Mobile units or teams that will provide
temporary emergency child care to the general population in an area affected by
Mobile mud-out units that provide clean up of homes and churches
following floods. Mobile chain-saw units that provide tree and debris removal

from homes, churches and yards of the general population following wind storms,
tornadoes and hurricanes.
Reconstruction / Rebuild.
Teams of consultants and volunteers that assist in
construction, repair, renovation and long-term recovery of churches and homes in
an area that has been affected by disaster.
Case Work.
Teams of volunteers that are experienced social workers who are
able to assist victims in determining resources and avenues for recovery.
Mobile units and volunteers that are licensed to operate
communication equipment that includes but not limited to Ham radio, Packet,
business band radio, cellular phones and facsimile.
Experienced individuals that are trained in Critical Incident Stress
Management and are assigned to fire, police, military, other institutions and
industrial facilities.
Damage Assessment. Trained consultants for damage assessment of homes and
churches who are knowledgeable with regulatory agencies, codes, insurance
FEMA and others that regulate the building in an affected area.
Interpreters. Personnel with language abilities to provided emergency
information during and following a disaster. This includes the ability to assist
non-reading adults in completing assistance forms and other vital documents.
Bulk Distribution.
Personnel that establish and operate distribution centers for
food, building materials and other goods and supplies.
Personnel that can establish and operate shelters for victims,
evacuees and volunteers who are displaced by or responding to an area affected
by a disaster. Southern Baptist churches, in most communities, of the nation can
also provide facilities.
Service support:
. Care shall be taken to enlist the cooperation of the local state Baptist convention,
associations and churches in the disaster area.
While maintaining the identity of the state Baptist convention and the Southern Baptist
Convention, every possible effort shall be made to cooperate fully with all official
welfare and disaster agencies and volunteer groups, public or private.

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