    3~3OO Oklahoma Disaster Relief volunteers,.
    hands and feet of Christ to urting people

    ~Mor~.á~d more men and women
    beIi&ed in the Lord and were
    added to their number,~~
    Acts 514 NIV

    Dear Oklahoma Baptists,
    Every Number Has a Story!
    In Acts 5:14 the Scripture says, “More and more men and women believed in the Lord and were added to their number.”
    Although this Scripture talks about more and more men and women, we must remember the focus was on individuals whose
    lives were radically changed when they met Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. Every Number Has a Story!
    You hold in your hands the Annual Report of our work as Oklahoma Baptists. While there are many numbers in this book,
    may I remind you that stories of changed lives are the heartbeat behind the statistics. Every Number Has a Story!
    Just consider:
    • As the new school year began 8,956 students who attended the Youth Evangelism Conference prepared to share their faith
    in Christ with their peers.
    • Record attendance at Falls Creek brought a record number of decisions —5,453 public decisions included 1,548 professions
    of faith and 981 called to ministry. These individuals went back to their hometowns, churches and schools to make an impact
    for Christ.
    • Through ACROSS Oklahoma, 800,000 homes received materials about salvation and local churches. One young woman
    from Waukomis shared with the pastor’s wife that she had accepted the Lord as her Savior because she read the brochure
    delivered to her door.
    Because you are a member of a cooperating Oklahoma Baptist church, you have
    been a part of each life that has been changed. You have been a part of every story
    in this book.
    Thank you for your participation in the Cooperative Program. May God bless you and
    your church as you continue to serve Him. May we see many new lives brought into
    Christ’s Kingdom in the year ahead.
    ~ ., ~
    H .
    Every Number Has a Story!
    Anthony 1. Jordan
    Executive Director Treasurer

    PROVERBS 31:30
    Adult Discipleship
    Adults on Mission
    Bivocational Pastor and Staff Development
    Bridging the Creek Senior Adult Conference
    Building Powerful Ministry Teams
    Church Library Ministries
    Deacon Ministry
    Demographic Studies
    Faith Riders Motorcycle Ministry
    Family Ministry
    Father/Daughter Weekend
    Father/Son Weekend
    Golden Gate Contextual Learning Centers
    Hispanic Sunday School Materials
    Lead Like Jesus
    Leadership Development
    Marriage Enrichment
    Men’s Fraternity
    Men’s Ministry
    Men’s Retreat
    Ministerial Counseling
    Ministers’ Wives Weekend
    Missional Ministry Conference
    Missions and Ministries Celebration
    Mother/Daughter Weekend
    Oklahoma Baptist Symphony
    Oklahoma Bible Conference
    Oklahoma Ladies Retreat
    Oklahoma Ladies Retreat inspired women to walk by faith.
    Oklahoma Southern Baptist Secretaries
    Pastoral Learning Communities
    Robert Haskins School of Leadership
    Senior Adult Ministry
    Single Adult Ministry
    Statewide Women’s Enrichment and Education
    Training (S.W.E.E.T. Spots)
    Sunday School
    Technology Training
    Transitional Pastor Ministry
    Women’s Missions & Ministries
    Women’s Missionary Union
    Worship & Music Ministry
    *~ ~ +
    Faith Riders are leading men to Christ.
    . .
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    Through our participation in the Cooperative Program thousands
    of Okiahomans are ministered to with the love of Jesus.
    Family and Men’s Ministry
    More than 2,200 men attended the “Rewired” Oklahoma State Men’s Retreat, recording over 30 professions of faith, and more
    than 325 motorcycle riders participated in the “Rewired Rally to Falls Creek.” Fifty-seven dads and daughters attended the first
    ever Father/Daughter Weekend and nearly 200 fathers and sons attended Father/Son weekends at CrossTimbers. There were
    75 pastors and staff trained in Prepare/Enrich marriage counseling training.
    Faith Riders Motorcycle Ministry
    In 2008, the Family and Men’s Ministry launched a new local church motorcycle ministry called Faith Riders in more than 20
    churches throughout Oklahoma. Every participating church recorded reaching families through this ministry. Twenty-five
    riders from across Oklahoma traveled to Sturgis, South Dakota, to participate in the South Dakota Baptist Convention’s 2008
    Sturgis Mission where there were 1,344 professions of faith.
    PowerUP Your Sunday School Strategies
    PowerUP Your World, the latest strategy for developing a missional Sunday School, was released
    in 2008. Since introducing the original PowerUP Resource in 2006, over 2,000 PowerUP Kits have
    been released. The PowerUP strategy has been adopted in five state conventions. PowerUP Your
    World is the most comprehensive missional Sunday School strategy to date and challenges each
    person and class in the church in a holistic approach to personal spiritual growth and living life
    as a missionary in their community.
    Acts 1:8 Sunday School
    Women’s Missions and Ministries
    A pastor’s wife wrote, “This was one of the best weekends I have ever experienced. I now know that I am not alone. I even
    have a prayer partner for this year. Thank you so much!” The Ministers’ Wives Weekend is just one example of the many
    ways Oklahoma Baptist women’s leaders are equipped and encouraged. More than 200 pastors’ wives attended the weekend
    event, with 561 women receiving missions and evangelism training at S.W.E.E.T Spots. This year was the largest-ever
    Oklahoma Ladies Retreat at Falls Creek with more than 3,000 women who were encouraged to walk by faith. Perhaps most
    significantly, 10,000 miles were logged on Pray ACROSS Oklahoma, a statewide prayer walking effort on March 8.

    / ~ ‘ : ~ ~~
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    1 2 ~1-
    Baptist Collegiate Ministries empower students to serve all over the world.
    Cameron University
    Carl Albert State College
    Collegiate Ministries at the BGCO
    Connors State College
    Eastern Oklahoma State College
    Langston University
    Murray State College
    Northeastern Oklahoma A&M College
    Northeastern State University
    Northern Oklahoma College
    Northeastern State University/Tulsa
    Community College Southeast at
    Broken Arrow
    Northern Oklahoma College and
    Northwestern Oklahoma State
    University at Enid
    Northwestern Oklahoma State University
    Oklahoma Baptist University
    Oklahoma University Health
    Sciences Center
    Oklahoma State University at
    Oklahoma City
    Oklahoma City Community College
    Oklahoma City University
    Oklahoma State University
    Oklahoma State University at Okmulgee
    Oklahoma University
    Panhandle State University
    Redlands Community College
    Rogers State University
    Rose State College
    Seminole State College
    Southeastern Oklahoma State University
    Southwestern Oklahoma State University
    Southwestern Oklahoma State University
    at Sayre
    Tulsa Community College
    Tulsa Community College Northeast
    Tulsa Community College West
    Tulsa University
    University of Central Oklahoma
    University of Science & Arts of Oklahoma
    Western Oklahoma State College
    www. Ma 10 rT hi n g .com

    Through our participation in the Cooperative Program
    college students are reached, trained and sent out.
    Collegiate Ministry — Moving Lives Forward
    I met Joe the first night of our “Don’t Waste Your Life” Bible study. At the urging of his friends he began coming to the BCM
    meetings at Southeastern. He said that God had been on his mind lately and he was on a quest to discover Him. I explained to
    him that to be a follower of Jesus, a person must confess with his mouth that Jesus is Lord and also believe in his heart that
    God raised Jesus from the dead, and through these confessions he would be saved. I then asked him, “What do you think?”
    He told me that he doesn’t have a problem confessing that Jesus is Lord, but he wasn’t sure if he believed that Jesus was
    actually raised from the dead. For Joe, Jesus was a good man, maybe the best man ever, but he wasn’t ready to follow Him
    with his life.
    The next week Joe came back to our meeting. “Do you remember what we talked about last week?” I asked. “Yes,” he said.
    I asked him, “What has God been saying to you?” “1 believe” was his simple reply. I said, “You do?” “Yes,” he said firmly.
    So in the manner of one week, I had met Joe, explained the Gospel to him; he’d weighed the truth of the Scripture, and he
    had committed his life to follow Jesus. The following week Joe told our large group meeting of his new found faith, began
    attending church and was baptized. He is now an active part of our group. Joe’s life was moved forward from darkness
    into light.
    - Brandon Brister, Director, SOSU
    BCM is striving to be a spiritual “Rapid Transit System” moving the lives of college students forward as quickly as possible,
    reaching them, training them and sending them to their world.
    Last year 8,708 college students were engaged on 35 campuses, with 139 making first time commitments to Jesus. Of those,
    642 were involved in training programs and 710 served in mission ventures. Regarding missions, BCM students served in
    Oklahoma through Baptist Homes for Children, CrossTimbers, DaySpring Villa, Falls Creek, Kiamichi Baptist Assembly, Summit
    Camps and multiple other camps. Others served as youth and children’s interns in Oklahoma churches. Still others served in
    Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Illinois, Vermont, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Mississippi, South Asia, Central Asia, East
    Asia, Southeast China, Cambodia, Canada, Chile, China, Ecuador, England, Guatemala, Japan, Malawi, Mexico, Peru, Russia,
    Tanzania and Venezuela.

    All-State Baptist Choir and Orchestra
    Evangelistic “Fish Clubs” on High School
    and Middle School Campuses
    Falls Creek Youth Weeks
    GO Students International Mission Trips
    Oklahoma Youth Ministers Association
    Oklahoma Youth Ministry Forum
    See You At The Pole Rallies
    Sumpherö Youth Discipleship
    Youth Evangelism Conference
    Youth Pastor Mentoring
    Youth Worker Leadership Training
    tOUTh >1J<l
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    GO students share the Gospel in Wales.
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    Through our participation in the
    Cooperative Program the Gospel
    of Christ is being carried to schools throughout Oklahoma.
    2008 YEC (Youth Evangelism Conference)
    The largest gathering of Oklahoma Southern Baptists each year is the annual Youth Evangelism conference (YEC). August 8-9, 2008, the
    Ford center in Oklahoma City hosted 8,956 students and leaders to hear the challenge to return to their school sharing Christ. The theme for
    the conference was “Jesus 08,” but the focus of the weekend was challenging and equipping students to return to school living their faith,
    sharing their faith and focusing on who is their leader. Wes Hamilton, Ben Fuqua, Pocket Full of Rocks, 33Miles, Hawk Nelson and Run Kid
    Run were the special guests at the 2008 YEC.
    Before the evening session of YEc, more than 1,200 students and leaders prayer walked, served in economically-challenged neighborhoods
    or distributed materials around the Oklahoma city area to help local church starts. After the Mission YEC projects, students gathered at
    Moore, First Baptist for breakout training conferences on practical ways to live and share their faith. The YEC was followed on Saturday
    evening by Christian Family Day at Frontier City with an “Idea Walk Through” for leaders and an outdoor concert with Sanctus Real.
    2008 Falls Creek Youth Weeks
    The simplicity of “The Lord is my Shepherd” was the main focus for the Graze 2008 Falls Creek Youth Camp. Thousands of students and
    adults at Falls Creek were challenged to understand more about God as they considered what it really means for the Lord to be their
    Shepherd; He is present with them, providing for them, protecting them and He has a plan for them.
    The youth weeks during the summer of 2008 hosted 926 churches, 41,983 full time campers, and 54,990 total campers, which are all new
    records for Falls Creek. During the eight weeks of camp there were 5,453 public decisions, including 1,548 professions of faith and 981
    publicly called to ministry.
    Falls Creek is best understood through the lives of teenagers who shared their faith for the first time during the student-led invitation
    counseling; through students who walked into the Wynn Center for World Missions and asked about the next step in sharing their faith
    at school and overseas; or through the life of a student who just came to camp to skateboard, but went home a follower of Jesus with
    a skateboard.
    GO Students
    Our students were fulfilling the call of God on their lives to leave the comforts of Oklahoma to share Christ in the United Kingdom with people
    they had never met. They interacted in the immigrant neighborhoods with people from all over the Middle East and North Africa and had the
    unique opportunity to tell them for the first time about Jesus.
    GO Students 2008 had 206 high school students and adults from 96 different churches serving for ten days in July on a GO Students
    Mission Team in the United Kingdom. Each team member spent hours prayer walking, sharing the Gospel with people of various cultural
    backgrounds, learning from 1MB missionaries about their daily task and studying the Scriptures to learn the heart of God for all people.
    Sumphero Youth Discipleship
    Sumpherö (some-fair-o) Youth Discipleship is a thirty-two session curriculum of interactive discipleship designed to engage students in
    eight specific spiritual disciplines. Authored and piloted by Oklahoma youth pastors, Sumpherö is a free downloadable resource offered
    by the BGCO Student Ministry. More than 315 churches from 16 states have accessed Sumpherö Volume One and more than 120 churches
    have downloaded Sumphero Volume Two. Volume Three was released in the fall of 2008.

    F~ R ~ZY’\/ E R B S 22 6
    Activities teach children about the love of Jesus Christ.
    Bible Skills, Drills and Thrills
    Children in Action
    Children’s Ministry
    Children s Mission Education
    Church Weekday Education
    CrossTimbers Mission Adventure Camp
    Girls in Action
    Heart of a Child Convention
    January Update
    Ministers of Childhood Education Association
    Z Mission Friends
    Mission Ignition
    Preschool Ministry
    Preteen Ministry
    Royal Ambassadors
    Special Needs Ministry
    eam i
    Vacation Bible School

    Through our participation in the Cooperative Program
    Oklahoma children are taught about the love of Christ.
    Vacation Bible School
    Aloha! Surf’s up! Outrigger Island: Living God’s Unshakable Truth was the 2008 VBS theme. This year, Oklahoma churches
    enrolled 40,300 children and celebrated 1,300 decisions for Christ. How exciting!!! Children were able to learn how to know,
    speak and live God’s truth. This tropical adventure helped kids develop the stability they need to become unshakable in a
    world of shifting sands.
    Mission Ignition
    This year marked the beginning of a new focus for Oklahoma children called Mission Ignition. We invited children from all
    over the state to join us for this one-day exploration of missions. Activities for this event included low ropes, cartooning,
    crafts and a variety of mission adventures the children could take part in. This year over 1,000 people participated in Mission
    Ignition from 32 different Baptist churches. Children were able to gain a better understanding of missions, and they obtained
    a stronger desire to do missions where they are located. Five children were nominated and recognized as recipients of the
    “Mission Ignition Outstanding Service Award” and many children’s groups accepted the challenge of serving others in 2008.
    Church Weekday Education
    Nicole and her husband came to church after they had been invited by their daughter’s daycare teacher and they both
    accepted Christ. Mom says: “You could never dream that a 4-year-old could change her entire family, but she did.” Oklahoma
    Baptists trained 442 church weekday directors and teachers atthe 2008 Church Weekday Annual Workshop Come Grow
    With Me held at Moore, First Baptist. The attendees were encouraged to guide boys and girls to grow as Jesus grew in
    wisdom, stature, and in favor with God and man. The two-day event offered 51 breakout sessions with 29 conference leaders
    that equipped participants from Southern Baptist, Nazarene, Methodist, Presbyterian, Assemblies of God, Christian and
    nondenominational churches.
    Heart of the Child Convention
    Arkansas, Missouri, New Mexico, Kansas-Nebraska, Oklahoma and Texas joined efforts to equip preschool and children’s
    leadership in all areas of ministry at the 2008 Preschool and Children’s Convention. Over 1,200 leaders from these state
    conventions chose from over 145 breakout sessions with 70 conference leaders, which concentrated on the specifics
    of Sunday School, discipleship, worship, missions, recreation and fellowships, and weekday ministries. Leaders were
    challenged, encouraged, and led to worship by guest speakers Dr. Thom Rainer, President and CEO of LifeWay Christian
    Resources; Jerry Vogel, Manager of Childhood Publishing, LifeWay; Daryl Eldridge, President, Rockbridge Seminary; and
    Christian Recording Artist, Jason Catron.


    %~ ~ •,~ •~4~
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    6~354’136 PF-OPLH
    Samaria... The Ends of the Earth
    Acts 1:8 is possible when we partner together.

    ACP (Annual Church Profile)
    Annuity Checks to Widows
    Anti-Gambling Sunday Awareness
    Baptist Messenger
    Baptist Messenger News Web site
    BGCO Communications Strategies
    BGCO Resource Web site (www.bgco.org)
    ChurchComm Conference
    Church Communication Strategies
    Compensation Studies
    Crisis Communications
    Electronic Video Communications
    Ethics & Religious Liberty Committee (ERLC)
    ERLC Alerts
    ERLC Day at the Capitol
    Family Day at the Capitol
    Guide Stone
    Interactive Web Communications
    Media Relations
    Messenger Radio Broadcast
    Messenger Radio Web site
    (www. messengerradio.com)
    Pro-Life Sunday Awareness
    Print Operations for Churches
    and Ministries
    Public Affairs
    Radio Production
    Rose Day
    Strategic Planning
    Television Production
    ROMANS 10:17
    Communicating Christ to a sight and sound generation.
    Churc~ Comm

    our participation in the Cooperative
    Program we can assist
    Oklahoma churches in communicating the message of Christ.
    Baptist Messenger
    The Baptist Messenger, Oklahoma’s third-largest news publication, was recognized by the
    PublicationEvangelical in
    The Baptist
    the group’s
    continuesAward to
    throughfor featureMost
    stories and
    news articles, what God is doing in Oklahoma and around the world.
    Public and Media Affairs
    2008 was another successful year helping protect the unborn with the passage of SB 1878. This year the 17th annual Rose Day Rally at the
    State Capitol had nearly 700 in attendance. By serving as the voice of Oklahoma Baptists, the BGCO gave more than 150 media interviews
    in 2008. This year the Communications Team hosted ChurchComm, the first ever Church Communications Conference. More than 110 people
    representing 48 churches from all over the state of Oklahoma attended. ChurchComm was offered free of charge to all churches, to provide
    solutions to better communicate to the church and community.
    Electronic Video Communications
    In 2008, the Electronic Media Department produced the “Now is the lime” Oklahoma State Missions Offering DVD, PowerUP Your World
    videos, the Messenger Radio program, Cooperative Program videos as well as several promotional videos and training events. Last year’s
    projects resulted in six Baptist Communicator’s Awards.
    Interactive Web Communications
    In 2008, BGCO launched a revised Web site www.BGCO.org. The revisions expanded functionality and streamlined navigation designed to
    make it easier to find the many resources offered online by BGCO ministries. Online registration for Falls Creek youth camp was utilized for a
    second year, and a new addition to the Falls Creek Web site was the creation of an online staff application.
    Print Operations
    One area of growth we are experiencing is the development of materials for church capital campaigns. Our staff is taking the projects
    from development and design to providing the church with all finished printed pieces. Another area of change is bringing the mailing of the
    Baptist Messenger in-house. When this project is complete, the convention will save thousands of dollars in mailing costs per year.
    Information Services
    Compensation Survey Churches across Oklahoma are striving to provide adequate compensation for their pastors and staff members.
    The 2008 Church Compensation Survey, completed by over 1,000 Oklahoma pastors and staff members, is used by budget and finance
    committees to bring salaries to standard levels.
    Retirement and Insurance — Over one-third of our churches provide Church Retirement Plan contributions for their pastors and staff
    members. In addition, the BGCO provides disability and survivor protection benefits, as well as matching contributions to eligible
    participants. Medical and life insurance is another great need provided by many churches to pastors, staff members and their families.
    More churches each year begin offering these important benefits. Multiple conferences and church visits are held each year to encourage
    and inform churches of this need.
    Regional Tax Seminars — Seven Regional Tax Seminars attended by over 250 churches helped ministers, church treasurers and others know
    how to set up salary packages to best benefit their pastors and staff members as well as the churches.

    2 CORINTHIANS 5:17
    ACROSS Oklahoma Evangelistic Campaign
    CROSS Evangelism
    Ethnic Church Evangelism
    Evangelism Conferences
    Ev ngelism Resources
    Evangelistic Events
    Evangelistic “Fish Clubs” on High School
    and Middle School Campuses
    Internet Evangelism
    Oklahoma Life Media Campaign
    Personal Evangelism Training
    State Evangelism Conference
    Women’s Emphasis at the
    State Evangelism Conference
    Youth Evangelism Conference
    Youth Evangelism Conference
    Evangelism efforts in Oklahoma
    lead to changed lives forever.
    3. ~
    ::‘~ ~
    ~1 ~

    Through our participation in the Cooperative Program,
    homes ACROSS Oklahoma were touched with the Gospel.
    March 2008 found Oklahoma Baptists gearing up for one of the largest evangelistic efforts in our convention’s history. We
    reached more than 800,000 homes with the Gospel and an invitation to a local congregation for an evangelistic Easter service.
    This year, Women’s Missions and Ministries kicked off this historic event as they led us to Pray ACROSS Oklahoma on March
    8. The Sunday School department prepared five weeks’ worth of tips on how to connectthe prospects that were discovered
    to a Sunday School class. These two new additions to the event along with a new tag on our statewide commercial which
    said “This Easter discover Life through Jesus Christ at a Southern Baptist church in your community,” drilled the seed of
    the Gospel deep into the lives of Oklahomans across the state.
    The door-to-door Gospel distribution was a very important aspect of the campaign. The commercial was broadcast in every
    section of our State throughout the month of March. This commercial was born out of extensive research on what lost
    people are thinking about in Oklahoma. It was said that the commercial scratched the itch that was identified through the
    research. One example of this came from Danny Marney, pastor at Waukomis. He shared that on Easter Sunday they had
    a young female visitor who wanted to talk to his wife. She began sharing the plan of salvation and the girl told her she had
    gotten saved a few days earlier because she had read the brochure that the church placed on her door previously. They
    are so excited! Later the church received a call from someone else who wanted to know how to be saved. The person who
    answered the phone said she knew how she got saved, but wasn’t sure how to tell someone else; then she remembered the
    ACROSS pen with the Gospel presentation in it that the pastor had given her. She pulled out the Gospel presentation from the
    ACROSS pen and shared with the caller, who then prayed to receive Christ.
    Research on Oklahoma Baptist churches has revealed that our largest decline in baptisms and Sunday School enrollment
    is among young adults, ages 18 to 34. Churches are struggling with ways to reach, keep, and deploy these “emerging
    generations” for the cause of Christ. To assist in this effort, the BGCO has established the position of Emerging Generations
    Evangelism Specialist. Cris Lowery has moved into this role, giving his full attention to this great effort.
    Oklahoma Conference of Southern Baptist Evangelists is composed of men and women who have committed themselves
    to impacting our world through evangelism. Oklahoma is fortunate to have some of the most sought after and Godly men
    and women serving as Vocational Evangelists in our state. Lastyearthey gave oftheirtime during a busytime ofyearto
    participate in simultaneous revivals in Utah. This was an effort as part of our convention’s partnership with that state. God
    blessed everyone who went on the trip and several salvations were recorded in the churches. These evangelists are
    committed to evangelizing our world, so it is no surprise that they would see the bus breaking down in New Mexico as an
    opportunity to lead the mechanic to salvation. They all agreed that while they were anxious to get home, they wouldn’t have
    missed the opportunity to see this man accept Christ.

    Adults on Mission
    Baptist Builders
    Baptist Nursing Fellowship
    Campers on Mission
    Charity Pharmacy and Medical Clinics
    Children in Action
    Christian Women’s Job Corps
    ConNEXTtion Bible Studies
    Deaf and Blind Ministry
    Disaster Relief
    Edna McMillan State Missions Offering
    Ethnic Church Building Emergency Fund
    Girls in Action
    Heart Call
    Hunger Funds Ministry
    Leadership Training Ministry for Church
    Missions and Ministries Celebration
    Mission Friends
    On Mission Celebration
    Partnership Missions
    Rodeo and Cowboy Ministry
    Statewide Women’s Enrichment and
    Education Training (S.W.E.E.T. Spots)
    Volunteers in Missions
    Women on Mission
    Youth in Action
    Disaster Relief
    Fire Department
    Law Enforcement
    Motorcycle Events
    Oil Patch
    Special Events
    State Fair
    Truck Stop
    Wagon Train
    Church Planting...
    African American
    Asian Ethnic
    Native American
    ROMANS 15.20-21
    \ ,\
    Through partnership misions we have the
    opportunity to share the gospel in many countries.

    Through your participation in the Cooperative Program the Gospel is be
    ing carried from Jerusalem to Judea to Samaria to the Ends of the Earth.
    Disaster Relief
    Jerry Benson, State Mudout Team Leader for Disaster Relief, has been a very busy man this past year leading scores of Oklahomans on
    missions assisting in flooded and destroyed homes across Oklahoma, Iowa and south Texas. His influence as a “volunteer on mission” has
    spread through Watonga, First Baptist. Some individuals in the church made their first “disaster mission trip” following the Picher tornado.
    Pastor Rick Harrison said because many people in the church have found a place to do hands on missions, a renewed commitmentto
    missions in their church has come about. Watonga had extensive damage from the August 2007 storms, and now they are helping others
    who have experienced similar difficulties.
    In the pastyear Oklahoma Baptist Disaster Relief responded to nine federally declared disasters in Oklahoma, from floods, to fires and
    tornadoes and ice storms. Oklahoma Baptists were also called upon to serve disaster victims in Kansas, Michigan, Iowa, Texas, California
    and Burma (Myanmar). Approximately 4,000 volunteers served in these efforts.
    Partnership Missions
    Michael Staton, pastor of Mustang, First Baptist, led his church on a church planting mission project to Zorcua, Mexico, in the state of
    Guerrero. Pastor Staton stated, “This is just what we’ve been looking and praying for.” Oklahoma Baptists have joined Guerrero Baptists in a
    church planting movement in order to evangelize their state. Partnership Missions is seeking 24 Oklahoma churches to adopt a church plant
    in Mexico and partner with the church planting team there to see the church grow and establish in these selected unevangelized towns.
    Fourteen church plants have been started in the past year in Guerrero.
    Oklahoma Baptists currently have formal partnerships in Bangladesh, Armenia, Mexico, Utah/Idaho, and New Orleans. Each of these
    partnership areas received several Oklahoma teams within the past year. These teams have focused on evangelism and church planting.
    Oklahoma vocational evangelists joined with several state pastors in helping Utah/Idaho have simultaneous revival services in
    September 2008.
    Church Planting
    Twenty-year-old Amanda accepted Christ on August 3, 2008, only seven months after the first worship service of University Fellowship
    Church, a new church in Norman. Pastor Matt Mcintosh said that a ladies small group built relationships with Amanda. She readily
    accepted Christ and now continues to follow and serve Christ through this new church.
    In the last twelve months, 50 new Baptist churches have been planted with 428 people following Christ in believer’s baptism. Half of these
    new churches are primarily ethnic in membership, and most of these worship in a language other than English. Of the English language
    churches, several are oriented toward certain cultural expressions, such as cowboys, motorcycle enthusiasts or young adults. These new
    churches are extending God’s Kingdom by sharing the Gospel with the lost and helping them to find eternal life through faith in Jesus Christ.
    A “hard core” biker from Ardmore rode his motorcycle to Sturgis, South Dakota for the annual gathering of several hundred thousand
    Harley-Davidson enthusiasts. While there an Oklahoma Baptist chaplain shared Jesus Christ with him and he repented of his sins and
    trusted Jesus as Lord. Now he is part of an Oklahoma Baptist church and growing as a new follower of Christ.
    Three hundred fifteen Oklahoma Baptist chaplains serve in 27 different areas of chaplaincy, from disaster relief to prison and jail. They
    serve in hospitals and in the oil patch and in just about every other place where people gather. In the past 12 months, 105 individuals have
    completed some form of chaplaincy training.

    ~ ~~i~•’:t~
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    CrossTimbers prepares children for the adventure of following Christ.
    -:~. ~
    g~2~ ~
    1 TIMOTHY 1:5
    Associational Children’s Camp
    Associational Outreach Leadership
    Chaplain Spouse Retreat
    CrossTimbers Children’s
    Mission Adventure Camp
    Director of Missions Annuity Tax Seminar
    Director of Missions Retreat
    Falls Creek Youth Camp
    Father/Daughter Weekend
    Father/Son Weekend
    Historical Society Meeting
    Indian Falls Creek
    Mother/Daughter Weekend

    Through our
    participation in the Cooperative
    Program more than
    45,628 have been touched through the ministry of four camps.
    CrossTimbers Camp
    CrossTimbers Children’s Mission Adventure Camp set sail for a smooth first year! By efficiently combining Nunny Cha-ha Girl’s
    Camp and using Camp Hudgen’s location in McAlester, we were able to increase the quality of camp life through your support,
    prayers and generous giving. Renovations in lodging, camp equipment and programming unlocked an exciting future for the
    CrossTimber’s vision. CrossTimbers welcomed 3rd through 6th grade campers and offered the following camping options:
    •6 Co-ed Weeks
    .1 All Boys Week
    • 1 All Girls Week
    • 1 Special Needs Week - Camp Perfect Wings
    Every day, children experienced hands-on mission activities such as a hike to an African village, cooking and eating real
    foreign foods, joining Campers on Missions, by helping build a real building and playing Wheel of Fortune to learn aboutthe
    Cooperative Program. The average attendance for the main co-ed sessions was 145. God worked in the lives of 96 young
    campers with many decisions for salvations and rededications! With only 10 percent of the property actually being utilized,
    we anticipate great supportfrom Oklahoma Baptists and await God’s provision in the years to come.
    Falls Creek Baptist Conference Center
    Did you know that last year Falls Creek served over 85,000 people? Did you know that 30,000 of those were not during the
    summer months? Falls Creek is much more than just a greatfacility or eightweeks of youth camp. It is a place readyto serve
    all ages year-round.
    Over the decades the place called “Falls Creek” has transitioned from a summer tent city into a year-round, full service
    conference center. Motel lodging, meeting rooms, meal service and a wide range of recreational opportunities for groups of
    30 or 3,000 are offered. Falls Creek staff has expanded increasing services and improving quality in a commitmentto make
    disciples and impact lostness.
    For 91 years Falls Creek has been a quiet place where God has radically affected the lives of hundreds of thousands in a way
    that has rippled across the globe. We are ready to see it happen again in the next 91 years, because what happens at The
    Creek impacts the world.

    82 Fields of Study
    Alzheimer’s and Dementia Care, Hugo
    Atzheimer’s and Dementia Care, OKC
    Assisted Living, OKC
    Assisted Living, Owasso
    Baptist Children’s Home, OKC
    Baptist Children’s Home, Owasso
    Baptist Home Care, Cleveland
    Baptist Home Care, OKC
    Baptist Home Care, Owasso
    Baptist Home for Girls, Madill
    Boys Ranch Town, Edmond
    Case Management, Tulsa County
    Charitable Trust Administration and
    Investment Management
    Church Financing
    Comprehensive Campus Ministry Program
    Disciple Now Teams
    Durable Medical Equipment
    Endowment Ministry
    Exploring Your Call Conference
    Global Missions Equipping
    Hope Pregnancy Centers, OKC
    Hope Pregnancy Centers, Tulsa
    Maternity Services, Owasso
    M.B.A. Master’s Degree Program
    Nursing Care, Hugo
    Nursing Care, Owasso
    Nursing Care, OKC
    OBU Special Emphasis Sunday
    Oklahoma Baptist Pastors Winter Bible
    Study Clinic
    Planned Giving
    Preaching Ministry
    Residential Care, Ada
    Residential Care, Okmulgee
    Residential Living, Ada
    Residential Living, Broken Arrow
    Residential Living, Cleveland
    Residential Living, Hugo
    Residential Living, Lake Texoma
    Residential Living, OKC
    Residential Living, Okmulgee
    Residential Living, Owasso
    Skilled Nursing, Hugo
    Skilled Nursing, OKC
    Skilled Nursing, Owasso
    Ten Bachelor’s Degree Programs
    Training Institute
    Weekly Chapel Program
    Worship Ministry Teams
    PSALMS 71:17
    Oklahoma Baptist University graduated 282 students in 2007-2008.

    8300 AFH HATES
    Through our participation in the Cooperative Program
    we minister to all ages and stages of life.
    The Baptist Foundation of Oklahoma
    The Baptist Foundation of Oklahoma receives and manages gifts that strengthen Southern Baptist ministries. Approximately
    $10 million was distributed to more than 300 charitable causes in Oklahoma, across the nation and around the world. These
    numbers had many stories behind them
    the stories of donors who sincerely wanted to help ministries or stories of lives
    improved because of generous gifts. Donors’ gifts affected and improved the lives around them, creating a generous story
    behind the Foundation’s numbers.
    Baptist Village Retirement Communities
    Oklahoma Baptist Village Communities marked 50 years of ministry in 2008. God has truly blessed this ministry over these
    50 years and now we serve over 2,100 people every day. In the fall of 2008 ground was broken on a new assisted living and
    memory care neighborhood at Baptist Village of Broken Arrow. To celebrate 50 years of ministry, BVRC launched the “Life
    Without Limits” campaign to raise $700,000 for new transportation for the residents and to provide funds for the Larry and
    Edwine Adams Assistance Fund, which provides support to residents with financial needs. With eight villages, three home
    health agencies, case management and medical equipment, BVRC is poised to move forward in shaping the future of
    aging services.
    Oklahoma Baptist Homes for Children
    This year Oklahoma Baptist Homes for Children celebrated 97 professions of faith while providing a home for more than 300
    children on its four campuses. OBHC’s AfterCare Program provided follow-up care and continued relationships with more than
    630 young people. In addition, three pregnancy centers welcomed more than 3,559 client visits. Eighty-seven percent of the
    young women who received ultrasounds chose life for their babies.
    Oklahoma Baptist Un versity
    Oklahoma Baptist University graduated 282 students in the 2007-2008 academic year. Students participated in campus
    worship, discipleship and ministry, including six global missions ventures. Recognized as the worldwide leader in the number
    of graduates serving as 1MB missionaries, OBU had six students enterthe 1MB Journeyman Program. Education graduates
    had a 97.2 percent pass rate on state certification exams, 91 percent of nursing graduates passed their licensing exam and 91
    percent of pre-med graduates were accepted to medical school. OBU gained approval for a new master’s degree program in
    nursing education.
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    Oklahoma Baptist
    6 Seminaries
    Baptist General
    Convention of
    International Mission Board
    North American Mission Board
    Southern Baptist
    Oklahoma Baptist
    Homes for Children
    Ethics & Religious
    and SBC
    Baptist Village
    Retirement Communities
    The Baptist Foundation
    of Oklahoma
    Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma
    $ 10,786,839
    BGCO Affiliates
    $ 4,334,000
    Southern Baptist Convention Missions & Ministries
    $ 10,080,000
    TOTAL Cooperative Program Budget
    $ 25,200,000
    Every Member. Every Church.
    10% to Reach the World.
    www.bgco.org Icp
    2 CORINTHANS 9:6-8

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