Involving Parents in Preschool Ministry
    By Stacy Rist, Minister of Preschool at Hermitage Hills Baptist Church, Hermitage, TN

    If you are in preschool ministry I imagine you could use some extra help in your classrooms, right? I know I sure could! As we consider how to encourage more people to serve in preschool ministry one of our best resources to tap is our preschool parents.
    Here are some ideas that you may find helpful in getting parents involved in preschool ministry:

    · Host a Parent Open House during Sunday School at the beginning of your new church year. Encourage parents to meet their child’s teacher, to observe and participate in activities with their child.
    · After meeting the parents, have the teacher invite one to become the “classroom parent” for their child’s class. This parent communicates with the teacher regularly, and vice versa, to serve as a liaison to the other parents keeping them informed and excited about what the class is doing.
    · The “classroom parent” may also assist the teacher by collecting special supplies (i.e. coffee cans for a special offering craft by asking all parents to save those), being a teaching partner (sub) for the teacher and/or encouraging other parents to sub also, and encouraging parental participation in the class’ special activities.
    · Have parents rotate serving in a classroom with a permanent SS teacher. This enables parents to observe veteran teachers and also gives those teachers a chance to mentor parent volunteers who may become teachers in the future.
    · Encourage every preschool parent to serve somewhere. Some parents do not want be in a classroom and do better serving as a greeter, snack or craft prep helper, or in an administrative capacity (i.e. helping with attendance and writing postcards). Give parents a variety of options so they can find a place to serve within your preschool ministry. If they are comfortable, they will be more apt to serve…cheerfully and more often.

    All these are ways you can magnify your volunteer base in a variety of ways. By seeing parents serving in different capacities you may discover potential craft helpers, cookie bakers, and new teachers! I hope these tips will enrich your ministry and possibly broaden your volunteer base by involving parents actively in your preschool ministry. God’s best to you in your ministry!

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