*Encourage your churches to participate in the VBS Photo Contest , sponsored by LifeWay’s Facts & Trends magazine. Deadline is Aug. 3.

    Enter the VBS 2009 Photo Contest

    Facts & Trends Online (FTO) staff is once again inviting churches and individuals to submit photos for the annual Vacation Bible School Photo Contest. This year, all submissions will be archived at the LifeWay News page on Facebook, a social networking Web site.

    Submissions of Boomerang Express and Club VBS: Truth Trek photos will be organized into photo albums labeled with geographical regions, so users can easily view nationwide photos of contest submissions.

    Participants can enter photos by sending an e-mail to factsandtrends@lifeway.com . The e-mail should include a photo title, the name of the church represented, and the church's address in addition to the submitter's name, phone number and e-mail address. All entries must be received by Monday, Aug. 3, to be eligible.

    Each participant can submit up to two photos that meet the following criteria:

    · 300 dpi
    · JPEG format
    · Features at least one VBS participant (pictures of only landscapes or decorations will not be accepted).
    · Features either the Boomerang Express or Club VBS: Truth Trek themes.

    Beginning with the first entries in early June, the photo albums at the LifeWay News page on Facebook will be updated every Tuesday and Thursday as needed to include the most recent photographs.

    Facebook fans of the LifeWay News page are invited to comment on and "tag" the photos. FTO staff reserves the right to edit or delete any comments or tags. Fans will also receive a reminder to help choose the winning entry at the contest's conclusion.

    After Aug. 3, staff will narrow submissions to the top 10 entries and post those entries at LifeWay.com/FactsandTrends for a public vote from Aug. 5-14. FTO staff, along with representatives from LifeWay's VBS area, will name the Grand Prize winner on Monday, Aug. 24.

    The winning photo will be featured in the Fall 2009 issue of Facts & Trends magazine and the church represented will receive a 2010 VBS Super Sampler Kit compliments of LifeWay's VBS area.

    Please note: Because photos will be posted online, users who submit photos must notify parents or legal guardians of minors photographed to ensure consent before submitting entries.   (taken from www.lifeway.com )

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