1. Youth Resources

Youth Resources

Pocket Bibles
Do you know a student who does not have a Bible? Would you like your students to be able to give Bibles away? Why not give them a Pocket Bible, HCSB New Testament and Psalms. To order Pocket Bibles, email youth@skopos.org and will ship them to you for $1.00 a piece, plus shipping.

Pocket Bibles are HCSB New Testaments (with Psalms). They have a special printed cover with an explanation of "what is a Bible" in the front inside cover, with the Roman Road verses and page numbers. In the back inside cover, there is the One Verse Evangelism presentation (Romans 6:23) with a sinners prayer. The back cover the Pocket Bible has the code2life.com web site icon and a place to put a code, if a student has a code. Just inside the front cover, there is also a plan for the FAITH presentation, if a student has been trained in FAITH.

The Pursuit CD
The idea is simple, put in the hands of a new Christian a copy of scripture, 30 days of devotional material, a mentor guide, a copy of the HCSB Bible and a video about baptism.

The Pursuit is a CD that you can buy or burn. If you want copies of The Pursuit, email us at
youth@skopos.org and we will ship them to you for $1.00 a piece, plus shipping. If you want to buy just one and burn your own, then buy one and copy all you want. That’s right, burn it. We want new Christians to have a quality follow up material in their hands, so giving it away does not bother us at all.

The Discovery CD
The Discovery CD is designed for a person that has just come to the realization that God has called them to ministry. The information on this CD can help a person exploring God's call sort through the thoughts, feelings, and questions that they may have about that call.

The CD includes ten weeks of daily Bible study/devotional reading, a six month mentor guide, vocational resources, spiritual growth resources and a copy of the Holman Christian Standard Bible with study helps.

The Discovery is a CD that you can buy or burn. If you want copies of The Discovery, email us at
youth@skopos.org and we will ship them to you for $1.00 a piece, plus shipping. If you want to buy just one and burn your own, then buy one and copy all you want. That’s right, burn it.


Connect My Campus Card – Free


Moral Compass – all files are pdfs for download as well as power points


Words to Water – pdf


Discipleship Articles – all pdf files


Falls Creek Registration Materials – pdf (Seasonal)


YEC Registration Materials – pdf (Seasonal)


Promo Videos for Falls Creek (seasonal)

Campus Missionary
Ever felt like God was calling you to make a difference at your school? Ever wonder what it would be like to see students pray to receive Christ at school? Then maybe you need to check out what it means to be a CAMPUS MISSIONARY! It’s the hottest thing going at school and you can be right in the middle of it all. For more information and free materials on how to use this strategy, click here .

Code2life (logo)
One of the easiest ways to help students share their faith is the code2life website. Students can put the story of how Jesus changed their life online and pass out cards that direct people to the site and their specific story. The site is loaded with questions students want answers to and a simple plan of salvation. They’re given a chance to respond to the gospel. Each time a student’s testimony is read, that student will get an email alert, letting them know someone read their story. The site is already showing results with over 2500 testimonies online and decisions for Christ being reported every week. What a great way to let your students share their story! Click here to download the code2life story page.  

FISH Clubs (FISH logo)
One of the hottest strategies for talking about Jesus at school is the Fish Club strategy. It’s Christian students from different churches working together to saturate their campus in prayer. That prayer pays off as students hear the story of who Jesus is and pray to let Him change their lives forever. You can get training and all the materials you need to use this incredibly effective strategy at your school by clicking here .

See You at the Pole  
If you look at a lot of schools around our state, you’d think there’s no way God could make a difference there. But the exact opposite is really true. That’s exactly where God can make the biggest impact and He can work through you to see it happen. If you’d like to see a spiritual explosion happen on your school campus, then start the year off right by focusing on prayer. If you’d like practical ideas on how you can involve your school in see you at the pole as well as other year round prayer strategies, click here .


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