Courtney Osborne is a member of South Tulsa Baptist Church. She is the daughter of Mike and Kim Osborne. She has a brother Andrew and sister Kathryn.
    Courtney is a 4th grader at Mingo Valley Christian School. As a fourth grader she has been quite active in leading her class in mission projects at school. She was very involved in collecting food for John 3:16 mission. During Spirit week at Mingo Valley, she went without watching anything electronically for a week. She memorized scripture that week along with collecting the food to help earn points for her team.
    Recently she was involved in Teens for Jeans. She went through her neighborhood and asked neighbors for slightly used jeans. Her class collected 41 pairs of jeans.
    As a member of GA’s she was very involved in the Pajama Drive for the Ministry Center. She decorated collection boxes, sorted and counted the pajamas and helped deliver the pajamas to the ministry center.
    She wrote cards to staff members to encourage them in their ministry.
    She shopped and organized two boxes for Operation Christmas Child.
    She helped make calendars for the Women at Day Spring Villa.
    Courtney has a heart for reaching out to those who need help. Because of her efforts, children and adults have had needs met.
    I am proud to nominate Courtney Osborne to receive the Mission Ignition Service Award.
    Connie Faurot
    Minister to Families with Children
    South Tulsa Baptist Church


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